Our memorabilia shop is open

Our memorabilia shop is open

As you might have noticed by the different products passing by on social media: our memorabilia shop is opened. Every day we have new products to choose from.

Memorabilia for the players

Every edition every player in Island Cup Games gets a small reminder of Island Cup Games from us, almost always in the form of a (sports) t-shirt. And every edition we receive requests from you guys for additional memorabilia in the form of trendy t-shirts, mugs, hoodies and the like. For men but also for women. That’s why we decided to give everyone the opportunity to purchase (in advance of Island Cup Games) additional memorabilia with Island Cup Games prints or other ice hockey prints. All unique designs you won’t find anywhere else. We also thought of the significant others, for example when a little new ice hockey player is born 😉

Be aware of the following

When you order in our shop we will NOT ship to your home address. After you pay the order, we will make the order and hand it to you when you come to Dordrecht, The Netherlands for Island Cup Games 2018 (August 31st – September 2nd)

Also be aware that the product pictures shown on the webshop can be slightly different than the real product. Always look at the unprinted products to see the actual product. And al the apparel has size tables, so you can order the right size

Go to our shop to see what’s in store. And keep an eye on social media for new products to come.


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