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Island Cup Games 2018
Welcome to Hockey Community
This edition of Island Cup Games we have chosen to create even more interaction with you
as players and team. We used to have the website and the total score board. We have now
added Hockey Community. This digital platform makes it possible to streamline matters
related to the matches, the teams and the tournament in general. Communication is the key
to success. And the better and more efficiently communication can be, the greater the
success. We therefore ask you not to ignore this call but to implement it. It makes our lives,
but also those of you a lot easier and clearer.
What needs to be done to organize Hockey Community (abbreviated as HC for short). In
principle not much more. The largest facility has already been done by us. The schedule with
the teams, times, etc. have already been put in place. The only thing now is that the teams
are filled with the correct details of the participating players.
In the past we did this but that is old-fashioned and not very interactive. We are happy to
leave this task to the team managers. Finally, they also know how the names are actually
written (our Scandinavian among others is not really optimal, we shall say)
Also the email addresses of these people are also known. The more complete the list is filled
in, the better we can operate the back of this platform. Possibilities such as getting the score
as a live message, looking back at how a score was in a match, who scored, etc. And all of
that can also be viewed on your mobile device through the free app that is available for both
Apple and Android -
A long story, but we hope that you will be enthusiastic about taking the next step. And of
course you want to be the ambassador to your team to also download and use the app.
What are the steps to follow? The first part, the actual access to HC takes no more than 5
minutes. Part 2 depends on the amount of players to be entered. But this can not last much
longer than 10 minutes.