Always wanted to know who has the best shot on your team?

We designed 2 challenges for you this year at Island Cup Games. As a team you can nominate a player that shows his/her skills for free (one for the accuracy challenge and one for the hardest shot challenge). Every other player that challenges him pays € 2,00 for a try at the hardest shot or most accurate shot competition.  

Shooting accuracy challenge:


  • A player gets 10 pucks shoots them from a fixed location.
  • You need to hit a target.
  • The amounts of hits gives you a score with a maximum of 10/10.

Hardest shot challenge:

  • A player gets 3 pucks and needs to shoot them as hard as possible.
  • The only requirement is that you hit the net.
  • The hardest shot out of the 3 is the score you get.

For both challenges you can buy a personalized shirt printed with your score on it.

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